On The Way To Texas - The Genealogy of James and Cherry Smock

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Top 30 largest localities (total places):

TX (335)
Poland (269)
PA (51)
NY (50)
KY (44)
England (41)
NJ (35)
CA (29)
Silesia (27)
RI (25)
MI (17)
MA (16)
IL (15)
Brazil (12)
Germany (12)
FL (10)
LA (10)
Netherlands (10)
OH (9)
CT (9)
VA (8)
WA (7)
IO (7)
TN (7)
KS (7)
Texas (5)
Poznan (4)
AZ (4)
AL (4)
France (4)
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On The Way To Texas
Copyright © 2005 - 2017 James Smock
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